Mastering Your Goals Through Strong Habits
Why This Exercise Matters
Have you ever set an ambitious goal—like running a marathon or saving a certain amount of money—only to lose steam when motivation wanes? According to James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, success isn’t about willpower alone; it’s about building systems that make it easier to perform the actions that lead to your goals. When your habits are attractive, easy, and satisfying, you naturally stick to them and see results.
The Exercise Flow
Below are strategies, organised in 3 sections, to make your habits “stick” and move you closer to your goals. Pick and choose the ones that resonate with you, and see how quickly your new routines can become second nature:
Make Your Habit Attractive
Keep Your Habit Easy
Ensure Your Habit Is Satisfying
Detailed Prompts
1. Make Your Habit Attractive
Make it specific, with a determined time & location
Go from "I want to run more" to "On Mondays & Thursdays as of x date, I will run home from work"Pair the new habit with an existing one (habit stacking)
If you need to remember to take your supplements daily, combine them with your established toothbrushing routineJoin the right group culture
If you want to journal more, join a journaling workshop (hint hint ;)) to benefit from positive group pressure from others who prioritise journalingHave a motivation ritual before a certain habit
If you want to focus more, you can have a specific playlist for focus. With time, just the act of putting in your headphones will enable a more focused state.
2. Keep Your Habit Easy
Reduce the friction of undertaking the task
Meal prepping is so effective to enable a better diet, as having a healthy meal already at hand reduces frictionDesign your environment to enable the behaviour
If you wish to watch less TV place the remote on the top shelf of a cupboard, only reachable by stepping on a stoolDownscale a habit so it can be done in 2mins only
If you want to read more, set a target to read one page per night - small increments over time will build your identity of a reader, leading you to read even moreMaster the decisive moment
Focus your energy on leaving the house to walk towards the gym, as once you're on your way, you're 99% likely to work outAutomate when possible
If you want to grow your wealth, set up automatic monthly transfers to your investment portfolio
3. Ensure Your Habit Is Satisfying
Notice how you feel after completing the habit
Focus on the energy and endorphins after a workout, to help motivate you for the next oneReward yourself for completing a habit (reward must be consistent with your desired objective)
If you want to file your taxes on time, schedule a massage on the day of the deadline, as a planned reward for completing themTrack your habits
Have a list of specific habits, which you check on a regular basis to ensure success and optimise further
Closing Thoughts
By combining these strategies—making your habits attractive, easy, and satisfying—you can build a strong, lasting system to achieve your goals, even when motivation dips. If you’d like more support in shaping your ideal identity and routines:
Schedule a free 1:1 session in January to discover my coaching approach risk-free:
Join my weekly journaling workshops, every Monday at 6:30pm:
Pick one principle to try this week, and watch how small changes add up to big results. Happy habit-building!