Nice to meet you and welcome to my site!

First of all, congratulations on taking the first step to seek support. It's crucial that you find the right professional to accompany you, and I hope that sharing more about my journey will help you further understand whether I could be the right fit for you.

I’m Emma, I was born and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, in a multicultural French-British family. I chose to become a mental coach and therapist to give back what I was lucky to receive, as my first experience with coaching changed the course of my life.

In my early twenties, working as a young professional in marketing within Procter & Gamble, a large corporation, I was solely focused on chasing achievements and milestones. I had developed a habit of distracting myself through work from dealing with important underlying issues, whether it be with relationships, financial matters, or anxiety.

My first coach enabled me to change my perspective, and shift from a victim mentality, where I felt at the mercy of others’ choices and outside events, to being the captain of my ship, prioritising working on my thought patterns, emotional regulation and unhelpful habits.

After this first coaching experience, I began to deepdive into personal development, psychology and neuroscience. As I focused on my own wellbeing, I wanted to give back to others. As a senior manager within Procter & Gamble, I had the opportunity to coach team members, reverse mentor senior executives, but also become qualified as a mental health first aider, to confidentially support fellow employees with psychological struggles.

Amongst the dozens of individuals that I supported throughout the years, a common theme emerged: they were being held back from achieving fulfilling lives & careers by unhelpful habits and beliefs that they couldn't shake, even if they rationally could perceive them: inability to say no leading to burn-out, fear of rejection leading to loneliness, imposter's syndrome preventing full success at work, and countless other stories.

I wanted to make a real difference and learn how to remove these stumbling blocks, so I trained for 2 years as a coach specialising in neuro-linguistic programming and therapist specialised in sophrology. I learned pioneering techniques to free people from limiting beliefs/irrational behaviours with instant results.

After spending 6 years as a senior manager in a corporation, I chose to dedicate myself full-time to helping individuals unlock their full potential, and opened my coaching & therapy practice.

You can see below some main areas of expertise that we can work on together:

  • Improving self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Managing stress and emotions

  • Freeing oneself from limiting beliefs, fears, and habits

  • Professional challenges and work-life balance

  • Finding meaning and managing career transitions

  • Navigating life changes and challenges

  • Mental preparation for high-performance challenges (exams, presentations, sports competitions, etc.)

If you chose to work with me, you will benefit from:

  • Free 1st session 

  • Support in English and/or French

  • Wide-ranging experience combining professional career with coaching & therapeutic certifications, and years of experience as a mental health first aider

  • Satisfaction guaranteed or 100% money back

  • ASCA certified: Sessions can be reimbursed by up to 90% by certain complementary insurances. Please check your coverage details for sophrology sessions with your insurance, as reimbursement conditions vary depending on your contract.

My certifications are the following:

  • ASCA certified as a therapist in sophrology

    2024 - ASCA Foundation - Freiburg - CH

  • Certified therapist in sophrology and sophro-coaching

    2024 - Plus Santé Formations - Neuchâtel - CH

  • Certified practioner in Neurolinguistic Programming Coaching

    2024 - My Coaching Academy - Lausanne - CH

  • Certification in Academic Medecine & First Aid

    2024 - Ecole de Santé Suisse Romande - Genève - CH

  • Undergraduate Certificate in Coaching

    Ongoing - Cambridge University - UK

Thank you for browsing my website and getting to know me - I hope to get to know you in return, and if not, I wish you all the best on your journey to find a fantastic therapist/coach to support you on your journey :)

Book Your Session

1st Session: Free

Follow-up Sessions: 150 CHF/hour